Courtesy of the Anti-Spyware Coalition
ASC includes the following Glossary in order to clarify some of the
terms used in this document, particularly the more frequently used terms
in anti-spyware products and research. This Glossary will be updated as
we continue with our work.
ActiveX Control: See
“Browser Plug-in.”
Advertising Display Software: Any program that
causes advertising content to be displayed.
Adware: A type of
Advertising Display Software, specifically certain executable
applications whose primary purpose is to deliver advertising content
potentially in a manner or context that may be unexpected and
unwanted by users. Many adware applications also perform tracking
functions, and therefore may also be categorized as Tracking
Technologies. Some consumers may want to remove Adware if
they object to such tracking, do not wish to see the advertising caused
by the program, or are frustrated by its effects on system performance.
On the other hand, some users may wish to keep particular adware
programs if their presence subsidizes the cost of a desired product or
service or if they provide advertising that is useful or desired, such
as ads that are competitive or complementary to what the user is looking
at or searching for.
Alternate Data Stream: An extension to Microsoft's
Windows NT File System (NTFS) that provides compatibility with files
created using Apple's Hierarchical File System (HFS). Applications must
write special code if they want to access and manipulate data stored in
an alternate stream. Some spyware uses these streams to evade
Automatic Download Software: Any program used to
download and install software without user interaction
Botnet: A type of
Remote Control Software, specifically a collection of software
robots, or “bots”, which run autonomously. A botnet's originator can
control the group remotely. The botnet is usually a collection of
zombie machines running programs (worms, trojans, etc.) under a common
command and control infrastructure on public or private networks.
Botnets have been used for sending spam remotely, installing more
spyware without consent, and other illicit purposes.
Browser Helper Object (BHOs):
see “Browser Plug-in.”
Browser Plug-in: A software component that interacts
with a Web browser to provide capabilities or perform functions not
otherwise included in the browser. Typical examples are plug-ins to
display specific graphic formats, to play multimedia files or to add
toolbars which include searching or anti-phishing services. Plug-ins
can also perform potentially unwanted behaviors such as redirecting
search results or monitoring user browsing behavior,
connections history, or installing
other unwanted software like nuisance or harmful adware. Types of
Browser plug-ins include:
- ActiveX
controls: A type of Browser Plug-in that is downloaded and
executed by the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser.
Browser Helper Object (BHOs): A Type of Browser Plug-in
that is executed each time the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web
browser is launched. Toolbars are a common form of BHO.
Mozilla Firefox Extensions: A Browser Plug-in specific to
Mozilla Firefox.
Bundling: The practice of
distributing multiple pieces of software together, so that when the
software “bundle” is installed, multiple components may be installed. In
many cases, bundling is a convenient way to distribute related pieces of
software together. However, in some cases, unwanted software components,
such as nuisance or harmful adware, can be bundled with programs users
want, and can thereby be downloaded onto their computers without notice
or consent.
Cookie: A piece of data that a Web site -- or a
third party that was commissioned or approved by the website -- saves on
users’ computers’ hard drives and retrieves when the users revisit that
Web site. Some cookies may use a unique identifier that links to
information such as login or registration data, online "shopping cart"
selections, user preferences, Web sites a user has visited, etc. (See
also Tracking Cookies.)
Dialer: Dialer is a colloquial term for Dialing
Dialing Software: Any program that utilizes a
computer’s modem to make calls or access services. Users may want to
remove dialers that dial without the user’s active involvement,
resulting in unexpected telephone charges and/or cause access to
unintended and unwanted content.
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack: A means
of burdening or effectively shutting down a remote system by bombarding
it with traffic from many other computers. DDoS attacks are often
launched using the compromised systems of Internet users, often using
botnets. An attacker will exploit a vulnerability in one computer system
and make it the DDoS “master” using Remote Control Software.
Later, the intruder will use the master system to identify and manage
zombies that can perform the attack.
Downloader: A program designed to retrieve and
install additional files. Downloaders can be useful tools for consumers
to automate upgrades of essential software such as operating system
upgrades, browsers, anti-virus applications, anti-spyware tools, games
and other useful or enjoyable applications of all kinds. Automated
upgrades are useful for closing off security vulnerabilities in a timely
way. Unauthorized downloaders are used by third parties to download
potentially unwanted software without user notification or consent.
Drive-by-Download: The automatic download of
software to a user’s computer when she visits a Web site or views an
html formatted email, without the user’s consent and often without any
notice at all. Drive-by-downloads are typically performed by exploiting
security holes or lowered security settings on a user’s computer.
Droneware: Programs used to take remote control of a
computer and typically used to send spam remotely, run DDOS attacks or
host offensive Web images. See also “Botnet.”
End User License Agreement (EULA): An agreement
between a producer and a user of computer software that specifies the
terms of use putatively agreed to by the user. The software producer
specifies the parameters and limitations on use, which comprise a
legally binding contract. Some companies use the EULA as the sole means
of disclosure of a program’s behavior (including bundling, use of the
user’s data, etc.).
Exploit/Security Exploit: A piece of
software that takes advantage of a
hole or
vulnerability in a user’s system
to gain unauthorized access to the system.
Hacker Tool: Security Analysis Software
that can be used to investigate, analyze or compromise the security of
systems. Some Hacker Tools are multi-purpose programs, while others have
few legitimate uses.
Hijacker: System Modification Software
deployed without adequate notice, consent, or
control to the user. Hijackers often unexpectedly alter browser
settings, redirect Web searches and/or network requests to unintended
sites, or replace Web content. Hijackers may also frustrate users’
attempts to undo these changes, by restoring hijacked settings upon each
system start.
Host File: A file, stored
on the user's computer, used to look up the Internet Protocol address of
a device connected to a computer network. Some spyware has been known to
change a host file in order to redirect users from a site that they want
to visit to sites that the spyware company wants them to visit.
Keylogger (or Keystroke Logger):
Tracking Software that records keyboard and/or mouse
activity. Keyloggers typically either store the recorded keystrokes for
later retrieval or they transmit them to the remote process or person
employing the keylogger. While there are some legitimate uses of
keyloggers, but they are often used maliciously by attackers to
surreptitiously track behavior to perform unwanted or unauthorized
actions included but not limited to identity theft
Objective Criteria: The
behavioral factors by which anti-spyware companies use to decide whether
to consider a process or program is spyware.
Packer: A program that
can compress and/or encrypt an executable file in a manner that prevents
matching the memory image of that file and the actual file on disk.
Sometimes used for copy protection, packers are often used to make
spyware less easy to analyze/detect.
Passive Tracking Technologies:
Technologies used to monitor user behavior or gather information
about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other
sensitive information.
Cracker: Security Analysis Software designed to allow
someone to recover or decrypt lost, forgotten or unknown passwords.
Password Cracker can guess a password by running a brute-force attack,
e.g. testing each character combination to find the right password, or
by running a dictionary attack, e.g. testing common words from large
dictionaries, which could be used as password by users. While they can
be a legitimate tool used by security administrators and law enforcement
officers, Password Crackers pose a significant security and privacy
threat when used illicitly.
Port Scanner: Security Analysis Software
used to discover what computer network services a remote system
provides. Port scanning indicates where to probe for weaknesses.
Privacy Policy: A legally binding notice of how a
company deals with a user’s personal information. The privacy policy
should contain information about collecting information and the
secondary uses of data, including how information is shared with
third parties and who those third
parties are.
Privilege Elevation: A process that allows an
individual or device to gain unauthorized privileges, usually
administrator level access, on a computer or network.
Registry: A database integrated into certain
operating systems which store information, including user preferences,
settings and licence information, about hardware and software installed
on a user's computer.
Registry Keys: The individual entries in the
registry. The value of the keys is changed every time a new program is
installed or configuration settings are modified. Spyware often changes
registry key values in order to take control of parts of the system.
These changes can impair the regular function of the computer.
Remote Access/Administration Tool (RAT): An
executable application designed to allow remote access to or control of
a system. RATs are a type of Remote Control Software. While
there are many legitimate uses of RATs, they can be used maliciously by
attackers to start or end programs, install and uninstall new software,
or perform other unwanted or unauthorized actions.
Remote Control Software: Any program used to allow
remote access or control of computer systems.
Risk Modeling: The process used by anti-spyware
vendors to determine the categorization of spyware, both in terms of
level and type of risk.
Rootkit: A program that fraudulently gains or
maintains administrator level access that may also execute in a manner
that prevents detection. Once a program has gained access, it can be
used to monitor traffic and keystrokes; create a backdoor into the
system for the hacker's use; alter log files; attack other machines on
the network; and alter existing system tools to circumvent detection.
Rootkit commands replace original system command to run malicious
commands chosen by the attacker and to hide the presence of the Rootkit
on the system by modifying the results returned by suppressing all
evidence of the presence of the Rootkit. Rootkits are an extreme form of
System Modification Software.
Screen Scrapers/Screen Capturers: Tracking
Software that records images of activity on the screen. Screen
Scrapers typically either store the recorded images and video for later
retrieval or they transmit them to the remote process or person
employing the Screen Scraper. There are some legitimate uses of screen
scrapers, but they are often used maliciously by attackers to
surreptitiously track behavior to perform unwanted or unauthorized
actions that can include identity theft.
Security Analysis Software: Any program used by a
computer user to analyze or circumvent security protections.
Snoopware: Sometimes used as a synonym for the
narrower definition of Spyware—i.e.
Tracking Software.
State Management Tools: Technologies used to store
and make available information about the “state” of a system—i.e.
information about current conditions and operations. Cookies are the
most common form of a State Management Tool since they can be used to
store data provided to a Web site and maintain a Web application
session. State Management Tools can be used as a Tracking Technology.
System Modifying Software: Any program used to
modify a user's system and change their experience, such as by altering
their home page, search page, default media player, or lower level
system functions.
Spyware: The term Spyware has been used
in two ways.
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking
Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for
the user.
In its broader sense, Spyware is used as a synonym for what the ASC
calls “Spyware and Other Potentially Unwanted Technologies.”
In technical settings, ASC uses the term Spyware only in its narrower
sense and always marks it as such [spyware(narrow)]. However, we
understand that it is impossible to avoid the broader connotations of
the term in colloquial or popular usage, and we do not attempt to do so.
For example, we refer to the group as the Anti-Spyware Coalition and
vendors as makers of anti-spyware software, even recognizing that their
scope of concern extends beyond tracking software. Therefore, the term
spyware, when used generally in an ASC document will always refer to the
broader colloquial usage.
Stream Files: See “Alternate Data Stream.”
System Monitor: Tracking Software is used
to monitor computer activity. System Montiors range in capabilities but
may record some or all of the following: keystrokes, screen captures,
e-mails, chat room conversations, instant messages, Web sites visited,
programs run, time spent on Web sites or using programs, or usernames,
passwords or other types of data in transit. The information is
typically either stored for later retrieval or transmitted to the remote
process or person employing the Monitor. Keyloggers and Screen Scrapers
are types of System Monitors.
Tracking Cookies: A Tracking Cookie is any cookie
used for tracking users’ surfing habits.
Tracking Cookies are a form of Tracking Technology. They are
typically used by advertisers wishing to analyze and manage advertising
data, but they may be used to profile and track user activity more
closely. However, tracking cookies are simply a text file, and far more
limited in capability than executable software installed on users’
computers. While installed software can potentially record any data or
activity on a computer (see System Monitor), cookies are simply
a record of visits or activity with a single Website or its affiliated
Tracking software: Software that monitors user
behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including
personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an
executable program.
Tricklers: Automatic
Download Software designed to install or reinstall software by
downloading slowly in the background so the download is less noticeable
(and does not impair other functions). Tricklers are typically used to
enable a spyware program to install silently or to reinstall after a
user has removed components of the program from his or her computer.
Trojan: A Program that
appears to do one thing but actually does another (a.k.a. Trojan Horse).
Underlying Technology:
One of the technologies listed in the table above that has been used to
harm users; however with proper notice, consent, and control, these same
technologies could provide user benefit.
United Virtualities
Persistent Identification Element (PIE):
United Virtualities PIE is a
Tracking Technology designed to be an alternative to a cookie,
utilizing Macromedia Flash, that is an example of a passive tracking
User: The system owner or their designated
administrator. In a household, this is commonly the person operating the
Virus: A computer virus is code that recursively
replicates a possibly evolved copy of itself. Viruses infect a host
file or system area, or they simply modify a reference to such objects
to take control and then multiply again to form new generations.
Worm: Worms are network viruses, primarily
replicating on networks. Usually a worm will execute itself
automatically on a remote machine without any extra help from a user.
However, there are worms, such as mass-mailer worms, that will not
always automatically execute themselves without the help of a user.
Zombie: A system that has
been taken over using Remote Control Software. Zombies are
often used to send spam or to attack remote servers with an overwhelming
amount of traffic (a Distributed Denial of Service Attack). A collection
of many zombies comprise a botnet.
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